1user.rb 2class User < ApplicationRecord 3 # Include default devise modules. Others available are: 4 # :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable, :trackable and :omniauthable 5 6 #profileモデルとの関連付け 7 has_one :profile, dependent: :destroy 8 #preferenceモデルとの関連付け 9 has_many :preferences, dependent: :destroy 10 #Userモデルを通して,profileの値をDBに保存することができる 11 accepts_nested_attributes_for :profile 12 #Userモデルを通して,preferenceの値をDBに保存することができる 13 accepts_nested_attributes_for :preferences 14 15 devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, 16 :recoverable, :rememberable, :validatable,:omniauthable, omniauth_providers: [:twitter,:facebook] 17 18 19 #ユーザパスワードなしでもアカウント情報更新可能な処理 20 def update_with_password(params, *options) 21 params.delete(:current_password) 22 23 if params[:password].blank? 24 params.delete(:password) 25 params.delete(:password_confirmation) if params[:password_confirmation].blank? 26 end 27 28 result = update(params, *options) 29 30 clean_up_passwords 31 result 32 end 33 34 def self.find_for_oauth(auth) 35 user = User.where(uid: auth.uid, provider: auth.provider).first 36 37 unless user 38 user = User.create( 39 uid: auth.uid, 40 provider: auth.provider, 41 screen_name: auth.info.nickname, 42 email: User.dummy_email(auth), 43 password: Devise.friendly_token[0, 20] 44 ) 45 end 46 47 user 48 end 49 50 private 51 52 def self.dummy_email(auth) 53 "#{auth.uid}-#{auth.provider}@example.com" 54 end 55 56end 57
1profile.rb 2class Profile < ApplicationRecord 3 belongs_to :user 4 #バリデーション 5 validates :name,length: { maximum: 6 } 6end 7
1preference.rb 2class Preference < ApplicationRecord 3 belongs_to :user 4end 5
1registrations_controller 2 3# frozen_string_literal: true 4 5class Users::RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController 6 before_action :authenticate_user!, only: [:edit, :update,:destroy] 7 before_action :configure_account_update_params, only: [:update] 8 9 10 # def new 11 # @user = User.new 12 # @profile = @user.build_profile 13 # end 14 15 # def create 16 # super 17 # @user = User.new(profile_params) 18 # @user.build_profile 19 # @user.save 20 # end 21 22# GET /resource/edit 23 def edit 24 @user = User.new(profile_params) 25 @user.preferences.build 26 @user.build_profile 27 end 28 29 # PUT /resource 30 def update 31 super 32 @user = User.new(profile_params) 33 @user.preferences.build 34 @user.build_profile 35 @user.save 36 end 37 38 # DELETE /resource 39 def destroy 40 super 41 end 42 43 44 def configure_sign_up_params 45 devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up, keys: [:attribute]) 46 end 47 48 # If you have extra params to permit, append them to the sanitizer. 49 def configure_account_update_params 50 devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:account_update, keys: [:attribute]) 51 end 52 53 # # The path used after sign up. 54 # def after_sign_up_path_for(resource) 55 # super(resource) 56 # end 57 58 # # The path used after sign up for inactive accounts. 59 # def after_inactive_sign_up_path_for(resource) 60 # super(resource) 61 # end 62 63 private 64 65 def profile_params 66 params.permit(:account_update, keys: [profile_attributes: [:ringsize,:image,:pinkiesize,:birthday,:anivday1,:anivday2,:name],preferences_attributes: [:lovebrand,:lovecolor,:lovematerial,:lovesituation]]) 67 end 68end 69
1application_controller 2class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base 3 before_action :configure_permitted_parameters, if: :devise_controller? 4 add_flash_types :success, :info, :warning, :danger 5 protect_from_forgery with: :exception 6 7 protected 8 def configure_permitted_parameters 9 devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:account_update, keys: [profile_attributes: [:ringsize,:image,:pinkiesize,:birthday,:anivday1,:anivday2,:name], preferences_attributes: [:lovebrand,:lovecolor,:lovematerial,:lovesituation]]) 10 end 11 end
1registrations/edit.html 2 3 <h2>ユーザ情報変更画面</h2> 4<% 5=begin%> 6 <%= form_with model: @user,url: user_registration_path,id:"new_user" do |f| %> 7<% 8=end%> 9<%= form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: registration_path(resource_name), html: { method: :put }) do |f| %> 10<%= render 'partial/error_form', model: f.object %> 11 12 <%= f.fields_for :profile do |f| %> 13 <div class="field"> 14 <%= f.label :name %><br /> 15 <%= f.text_field :name %> 16 </div> 17 <div class="field"> 18 <%= f.label :ringsize %><br /> 19 <%= f.select :ringsize,[["1号",1],["2号",2],["3号",3],["4号",4],["5号",5],["6号",6]] %> 20 </div> 21 <div class="field"> 22 <%= f.label :pinkiesize %><br /> 23 <%= f.select :pinkiesize,[["1号",1],["2号",2],["3号",3],["4号",4],["5号",5],["6号",6]] %> 24 </div> 25 26 27 <%= f.fields_for :preference do |d|%> 28 <div class="field"> 29 <%= d.label :lovebrand %><br /> 30 <%= d.text_field :lovebrand %> 31 </div> 32 <div class="field"> 33 <%= d.label :lovematerial %><br /> 34 <%= d.text_field :lovematerial %> 35 </div> 36 37 <div class="field"> 38 <%= d.label :lovecolor %><br /> 39 <%= d.text_field :lovecolor %> 40 </div> 41 42 43 44 <div class="field"> 45 <%= f.label :birthday %><br /> 46 <%= f.date_field :birthday %> 47 </div> 48 <div class="field"> 49 <%= f.label :anivday1 %><br /> 50 <%= f.date_field :anivday1 %> 51 </div> 52 <div class="field"> 53 <%= f.label :anivday2 %><br /> 54 <%= f.date_field :anivday2 %> 55 </div> 56 57 <%= f.submit "更新する", class: "btn btn-primary" %> 58 <% end %> 59 <% end %> 60 <% end %> 61 62 63<p>ユーザアカウント削除ボタン <%= button_to "退会する", registration_path(resource_name), data: { confirm: "アカウントのデータを消してもいいですか??" }, method: :delete %></p> 64 65<%= link_to "Back", :back %> 66
1ターミナル 2[2] pry(#<Users::RegistrationsController>)> params 3=> <ActionController::Parameters {"utf8"=>"✓", "_method"=>"put", "authenticity_token"=>"g6Vy0MwN0OQ6+5OYuSBSGiX67jvcHzHsH1izcSVHlIVr7CWo9F0+LIsgC9GHJzjiO+rgLlaXd62hqJOlxymolg==", "user"=>{"profile_attributes"=>{"name"=>"ナオキ", "ringsize"=>"3", "pinkiesize"=>"3", "preference"=>{"lovebrand"=>"Gucci", "lovematerial"=>"銀", "lovecolor"=>"白"}, "birthday"=>"2021-05-22", "anivday1"=>"2021-05-14", "anivday2"=>"2021-05-13"}}, "commit"=>"更新する", "controller"=>"users/registrations", "action"=>"update"} permitted: false>
1ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20210510044849) do 2 3 create_table "preferences", force: :cascade, options: "ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8" do |t| 4 t.string "lovebrand" 5 t.string "lovecolor" 6 t.string "lovematerial" 7 t.string "lovesituation" 8 t.bigint "user_id" 9 t.datetime "created_at", null: false 10 t.datetime "updated_at", null: false 11 t.index ["user_id"], name: "index_preferences_on_user_id" 12 end 13 14 create_table "profiles", force: :cascade, options: "ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8" do |t| 15 t.integer "ringsize" 16 t.string "image" 17 t.integer "pinkiesize" 18 t.date "birthday" 19 t.date "anivday1" 20 t.date "anivday2" 21 t.bigint "user_id" 22 t.string "name" 23 t.datetime "created_at", null: false 24 t.datetime "updated_at", null: false 25 t.index ["user_id"], name: "index_profiles_on_user_id" 26 end 27 28 create_table "users", force: :cascade, options: "ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8" do |t| 29 t.string "email", default: "", null: false 30 t.string "encrypted_password", default: "", null: false 31 t.string "reset_password_token" 32 t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at" 33 t.datetime "remember_created_at" 34 t.datetime "created_at", null: false 35 t.datetime "updated_at", null: false 36 t.string "provider" 37 t.string "uid" 38 t.string "name" 39 t.string "screen_name" 40 t.index ["email"], name: "index_users_on_email", unique: true 41 t.index ["reset_password_token"], name: "index_users_on_reset_password_token", unique: true 42 end 43 44 add_foreign_key "preferences", "users" 45 add_foreign_key "profiles", "users" 46end