<div class="tag-list"> <ul id="tags" class="tagCloud"></ul> </div> <script src="●●/tumblrposts.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ (function() { var posts = new TumblrPosts({ domain: location.host, maxNum:300 }); posts.bind(posts.EVENT_COMPLETE, function(e) { var that = this; $.each(this.getTags(), function(i, tag) { var html = '<li class="level' + (tag.count % 6 + 1) + '">' + '<a href="/tagged/' + tag.name + '">' + tag.name + '</a></li>'; $(html).appendTo($("ul#tags")); }); }); posts.run(); })(); }); </script>
/** * TumblrPosts * * @class * @constructor */ var TumblrPosts = function(option){ this.option = $.extend({}, this.option); this.config(option); this.$ = $(this); this.on(this.EVENT_COMPLETE, $.proxy(this._createTagData, this)); } ; (function(fn, $){ fn.EVENT_COMPLETE = "complete"; fn.EVENT_PROGRESS = "progress"; fn.option = { url : "/api/read/json/", restPath : "/api/read/json/", domain : null, maxNum : 0 }; fn.$ = null; fn.offset = 0; fn.step = 50; fn.posts = []; fn.tags = []; /** * Config * - pass the string name to get the value * - pass the object to set the value * - pass none to get the all values * - if arg has "domain", "url" will be updated * * @param String|Object arg (optional) */ fn.config = function(arg){ if(typeof arg === "undefined"){ return this.option; } else if(typeof arg === "string"){ return this.option[arg]; } else if(Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === "[object Object]"){ $.extend(this.option, arg); if("domain" in arg && this.config("domain")){ this.config({ url : "//" + this.config("domain") + this.config("restPath") }); } } return this; }; /** * Aliase to jQuery.fn.on() */ fn.on = function(){ this.$.on.apply(this.$, arguments); }; fn.bind = fn.on; /** * Aliase to jQuery.fn.off() */ fn.off = function(){ this.$.off.apply(this.$, arguments); }; fn.unbind = fn.off; /** * Aliase to jQuery.fn.trigger() */ fn.trigger = function(){ this.$.trigger.apply(this.$, arguments); }; /** * Start to load files by API */ fn.run = function(data, status){ var i, post; if(! data){ this.posts = []; this.tags = []; } else { if(data.posts.length){ for(i=0; i<data.posts.length; i+=1){ if(this.posts.length >= this.config("maxNum")){ this.trigger(this.EVENT_COMPLETE); return; } post = data.posts[i]; this.posts.push(post); if(post.tags){ this.tags = this.tags.concat(post.tags); } } } else { this.trigger(this.EVENT_COMPLETE); return; } this.offset += this.step; this.trigger(this.EVENT_PROGRESS); } $.ajax({ url : this.option.url, data : { start : this.offset, num : this.step }, dataType : "jsonp", success : $.proxy(this.run, this) }); return this; }; fn._createTagData= function(){ var i, data, tag; data = {}; for(i=0; i<this.tags.length; i++){ tag = this.tags[i]; data[tag] = data[tag] ? data[tag] + 1 : 1; } this.tags = []; for(i in data){ this.tags.push({ name : i, count : data[i] }); } }; /** * Get the posts * * @param Number offset (optional) * @param Number count (optional) * @return Array */ fn.getPosts = function(offset, count){ var i, posts = []; offset = offset || 0; count = count || 10; $.each(this.posts, function(i, post){ if( i < offset ){ return; } if( i >= offset + count ){ return false; } posts.push(post); }); return posts; }; /** * Get the tags * * @param String order (optinal) * @return Array */ fn.getTags = function(order){ var tags = this.tags; if(order){ tags.sort(function(a, b){ if(order === "asc"){ return a.count - b.count; } else if(order === "desc"){ return b.count - a.count; } }); } return tags; }; /** * Get the title string from post object * * @param Object post * @param Number count (optional) * @return String */ fn.getTitleByPost = function(post, count){ var title = post["regular-title"] || post["photo-caption"] || post["video-caption"] || post["regular-body"] || post["type"] || "" ; title = title.replace( /\<.+?\>/gi, "" ); title = ( count ) ? title.substr( 0, count ) : title; return title; }; }(TumblrPosts.prototype, jQuery));