1. やりたい・やりたかったこと
2. 起きている問題やエラーメッセージ
heroku run DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK=1 rails db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed
Running DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK=1 rails db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed on ⬢ fridge-app-35190... up, run.8309 (Free) D, [2021-04-23T11:10:09.582316 #4] DEBUG -- : (3.0ms) SET NAMES utf8, @@SESSION.sql_mode = CONCAT(CONCAT(@@sql_mode, ',STRICT_ALL_TABLES'), ',NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'), @@SESSION.sql_auto_is_null = 0, @@SESSION.wait_timeout = 2147483 D, [2021-04-23T11:10:09.679597 #4] DEBUG -- : (93.1ms) DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `heroku_dbb35446b4278db` Dropped database 'heroku_dbb35446b4278db' D, [2021-04-23T11:10:09.741645 #4] DEBUG -- : (2.4ms) SET NAMES utf8, @@SESSION.sql_mode = CONCAT(CONCAT(@@sql_mode, ',STRICT_ALL_TABLES'), ',NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'), @@SESSION.sql_auto_is_null = 0, @@SESSION.wait_timeout = 2147483 D, [2021-04-23T11:10:09.749412 #4] DEBUG -- : (5.2ms) CREATE DATABASE `heroku_dbb35446b4278db` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET `utf8` Created database 'heroku_dbb35446b4278db' D, [2021-04-23T11:10:09.784916 #4] DEBUG -- : (1.4ms) SET NAMES utf8, @@SESSION.sql_mode = CONCAT(CONCAT(@@sql_mode, ',STRICT_ALL_TABLES'), ',NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'), @@SESSION.sql_auto_is_null = 0, @@SESSION.wait_timeout = 2147483 D, [2021-04-23T11:10:09.797891 #4] DEBUG -- : (1.9ms) SELECT @@innodb_file_per_table = 1 AND @@innodb_file_format = 'Barracuda' D, [2021-04-23T11:10:09.824016 #4] DEBUG -- : (25.5ms) CREATE TABLE `schema_migrations` (`version` varchar(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC D, [2021-04-23T11:10:09.849274 #4] DEBUG -- : (19.6ms) CREATE TABLE `ar_internal_metadata` (`key` varchar(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `value` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime(6) NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime(6) NOT NULL) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC D, [2021-04-23T11:10:09.905672 #4] DEBUG -- : (2.6ms) SET NAMES utf8, @@SESSION.sql_mode = CONCAT(CONCAT(@@sql_mode, ',STRICT_ALL_TABLES'), ',NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'), @@SESSION.sql_auto_is_null = 0, @@SESSION.wait_timeout = 2147483 D, [2021-04-23T11:10:09.913971 #4] DEBUG -- : (3.9ms) SELECT GET_LOCK('2243929363994892210', 0) D, [2021-04-23T11:10:09.935103 #4] DEBUG -- : (3.3ms) SELECT `schema_migrations`.`version` FROM `schema_migrations` ORDER BY `schema_migrations`.`version` ASC I, [2021-04-23T11:10:09.974354 #4] INFO -- : Migrating to DeviseCreateUsers (20210415073953) == 20210415073953 DeviseCreateUsers: migrating ================================ -- create_table(:users) D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.034379 #4] DEBUG -- : (33.1ms) CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `nickname` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `encrypted_password` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `reset_password_token` varchar(255), `reset_password_sent_at` datetime, `remember_created_at` datetime, `created_at` datetime(6) NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime(6) NOT NULL) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC -> 0.0348s -- add_index(:users, :email, {:unique=>true}) D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.069564 #4] DEBUG -- : (27.4ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `index_users_on_email` ON `users` (`email`) -> 0.0350s -- add_index(:users, :reset_password_token, {:unique=>true}) D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.099299 #4] DEBUG -- : (23.0ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `index_users_on_reset_password_token` ON `users` (`reset_password_token`) -> 0.0297s == 20210415073953 DeviseCreateUsers: migrated (0.1000s) ======================= D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.112462 #4] DEBUG -- : (1.4ms) BEGIN D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.114076 #4] DEBUG -- : primary::SchemaMigration Create (1.4ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20210415073953') D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.121897 #4] DEBUG -- : (7.5ms) COMMIT I, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.122041 #4] INFO -- : Migrating to CreateSnsCredentials (20210416024015) == 20210416024015 CreateSnsCredentials: migrating ============================= -- create_table(:sns_credentials) D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.152493 #4] DEBUG -- : (26.5ms) CREATE TABLE `sns_credentials` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `provider` varchar(255), `uid` varchar(255), `user_id` bigint, `created_at` datetime(6) NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime(6) NOT NULL, INDEX `index_sns_credentials_on_user_id` (`user_id`), CONSTRAINT `fk_rails_c5d66654bc` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`) ) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC -> 0.0297s == 20210416024015 CreateSnsCredentials: migrated (0.0299s) ==================== D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.157366 #4] DEBUG -- : (3.6ms) BEGIN D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.159043 #4] DEBUG -- : primary::SchemaMigration Create (1.4ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20210416024015') D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.166171 #4] DEBUG -- : (6.8ms) COMMIT I, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.166378 #4] INFO -- : Migrating to CreateItems (20210416123350) == 20210416123350 CreateItems: migrating ====================================== -- create_table(:items) D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.200671 #4] DEBUG -- : (25.8ms) CREATE TABLE `items` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `quantity` int NOT NULL, `purchase_date` date NOT NULL, `expiration_date` date NOT NULL, `memo` text, `user_id` bigint, `created_at` datetime(6) NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime(6) NOT NULL, INDEX `index_items_on_user_id` (`user_id`), CONSTRAINT `fk_rails_d4b6334db2` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`) ) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC -> 0.0333s == 20210416123350 CreateItems: migrated (0.0334s) ============================= D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.203339 #4] DEBUG -- : (1.4ms) BEGIN D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.204897 #4] DEBUG -- : primary::SchemaMigration Create (1.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20210416123350') D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.211397 #4] DEBUG -- : (6.1ms) COMMIT I, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.211604 #4] INFO -- : Migrating to CreateActiveStorageTables (20210417011138) == 20210417011138 CreateActiveStorageTables: migrating ======================== -- create_table(:active_storage_blobs, {}) D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.248673 #4] DEBUG -- : (32.8ms) CREATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `key` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `content_type` varchar(255), `metadata` text, `byte_size` bigint NOT NULL, `checksum` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, UNIQUE INDEX `index_active_storage_blobs_on_key` (`key`)) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC -> 0.0359s -- create_table(:active_storage_attachments, {}) D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.285658 #4] DEBUG -- : (32.2ms) CREATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `record_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `record_id` bigint NOT NULL, `blob_id` bigint NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, INDEX `index_active_storage_attachments_on_blob_id` (`blob_id`), UNIQUE INDEX `index_active_storage_attachments_uniqueness` (`record_type`, `record_id`, `name`, `blob_id`), CONSTRAINT `fk_rails_c3b3935057` FOREIGN KEY (`blob_id`) REFERENCES `active_storage_blobs` (`id`) ) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC -> 0.0369s == 20210417011138 CreateActiveStorageTables: migrated (0.0730s) =============== D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.288569 #4] DEBUG -- : (1.7ms) BEGIN D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.290586 #4] DEBUG -- : primary::SchemaMigration Create (1.8ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20210417011138') D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.298809 #4] DEBUG -- : (7.9ms) COMMIT I, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.299080 #4] INFO -- : Migrating to CreateCategories (20210420085905) == 20210420085905 CreateCategories: migrating ================================= -- create_table(:categories) D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.323835 #4] DEBUG -- : (23.2ms) CREATE TABLE `categories` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime(6) NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime(6) NOT NULL) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC -> 0.0240s == 20210420085905 CreateCategories: migrated (0.0241s) ======================== D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.326340 #4] DEBUG -- : (1.5ms) BEGIN D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.327988 #4] DEBUG -- : primary::SchemaMigration Create (1.4ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20210420085905') D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.335417 #4] DEBUG -- : (7.1ms) COMMIT I, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.335560 #4] INFO -- : Migrating to CreateProducts (20210420085923) == 20210420085923 CreateProducts: migrating =================================== -- create_table(:products) D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.366735 #4] DEBUG -- : (27.7ms) CREATE TABLE `products` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `shelf_life` int NOT NULL, `frozen_life` int NOT NULL, `info` varchar(255), `category_id` bigint, `created_at` datetime(6) NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime(6) NOT NULL, INDEX `index_products_on_category_id` (`category_id`), CONSTRAINT `fk_rails_fb915499a4` FOREIGN KEY (`category_id`) REFERENCES `categories` (`id`) ) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC -> 0.0304s == 20210420085923 CreateProducts: migrated (0.0305s) ========================== D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.369179 #4] DEBUG -- : (1.4ms) BEGIN D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.370795 #4] DEBUG -- : primary::SchemaMigration Create (1.4ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20210420085923') D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.376365 #4] DEBUG -- : (5.3ms) COMMIT D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.387005 #4] DEBUG -- : ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (1.6ms) SELECT `ar_internal_metadata`.* FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment' LIMIT 1 D, [2021-04-23T11:10:10.398560 #4] DEBUG -- : (1.8ms) BEGIN C