<table> <thead> <tr> <th>送信内容</th> </tr> </thead> <%contact = params['company']%> <tr> <th>会社名</th> <th><%=company%></th> </tr> <%contact = params['name']%> <tr> <th>氏名</th> <th><%=name%></th> </tr> <%contact = params['mail']%> <tr> <th>メール</th> <th><%=mail%></th> </tr> <%contact = params['tel']%> <tr> <th>電話番号</th> <th><%=tel%></th> </tr> <%contact = params['content']%> <tr> <th>内容</th> <th style="white-space:pre-line"><%content%></th> </tr> </table>・markup validation service を利用して出てきたcomplete.erbのエラー
Error: Bad character % after <. Probable cause: Unescaped <. Try escaping it as <.
At line 48, column 14
↩ <%contact = para
Error: Misplaced non-space characters inside a table.
From line 47, column 21; to line 49, column 16
</thead>↩ <%contact = params['company']%>↩ <tr>↩Fatal Error: Cannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored.
From line 47, column 21; to line 49, column 16
</thead>↩ <%contact = params['company']%>↩ <tr>↩