Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - C:/WINDOWS/system32/drivers/etc/hosts (Errno::EACCES)
site.ymlのコードになります。 # encoding: utf-8 # vim: ft=ruby expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 # # General Settings # wp_box: vccw-team/xenial64 # # Virtual Machine Settings # memory: 1024 cpus: 1 # # Network Settings # hostname: project.dev ip: # # Vagrant Hostsupdater Aliases # Manage additional entries in the /etc/hosts file using vagrant-hostsupdater # hostname_aliases: - www.vccw.test # - some.subdomain.vccw.test # # WordPress Settings # version: latest lang: ja title: Welcome to the VCCW multisite: false rewrite_structure: /archives/%post_id% # # WordPress Path # wp_siteurl: '' # Path to the WP_SITEURL like "wp" wp_home: '' # Path to the WP_HOME like "wp" # # WordPress User # admin_user: admin admin_pass: admin admin_email: vccw@example.com # # WordPress Database # db_prefix: wp_ db_host: localhost db_name: wordpress db_user: wordpress db_pass: wordpress # # WordPress Default Plugins # Plugin's slug or url to the plugin's slug. # plugins: - logbook # # WordPress Default Theme # Theme's slug or url to the theme's .zip. # theme: '' # # WordPress Options # options: blogdescription: Hello VCCW. # # WordPress Multisite Options # multisite_options: {} # # The values of wp-config.php # force_ssl_admin: false wp_debug: true savequeries: false gitignore: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/gitignore/master/WordPress.gitignore # # Additional PHP code in the wp-config.php # extra_wp_config: | // Additional PHP code in the wp-config.php // These lines are inserted by VCCW. // You can place additional PHP code here! # # Theme unit testing # theme_unit_test: false theme_unit_test_uri: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WPTRT/theme-unit-test/master/themeunittestdata.wordpress.xml # theme_unit_test_uri: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jawordpressorg/theme-test-data-ja/master/wordpress-theme-test-date-ja.xml # # DB will be reset when provision # reset_db_on_provision: true # # RubyGems # Wordmove will be forcibly installed. # ruby_gems: - bundler - wordmove mailcatcher: true wp_i18n_tools: true # # NPM modules # npms: [] # # composer # composers: - phpunit/phpunit:5.6 - squizlabs/php_codesniffer:~2.0 - wp-coding-standards/wpcs:* # - phpmd/phpmd:* # - sebastian/phpcpd:* # - phploc/phploc:* # - phing/phing:* # # wp-cli package commands # wp_cli_packages: - https://github.com/vccw-team/wp-cli-scaffold-movefile/archive/master.zip # # Linked Clone for Vagrant v1.8 # linked_clone: false # # Advanced Settings # # # PHP ini values # php_ini: date.timezone: UTC default_charset: UTF-8 mbstring.language: neutral mbstring.internal_encoding: UTF-8 post_max_size: 1024M # Same with VVV short_open_tag: Off session.save_path: /tmp upload_max_filesize: 1024M # Same with VVV xdebug.remote_enable: true xdebug.remote_host: xdebug.remote_port: 9000 xdebug.profiler_enable: true xdebug.idekey: VCCWDEBUG xdebug.remote_connect_back: true xdebug.remote_autostart: true synced_folder: wordpress document_root: /var/www/html
1Windows Teminalのエラーコードになります。 2 3TASK [Install mailcatcher] ***************************************************** 4fatal: [project.dev]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "/usr/bin/gem query --remote -n '^mailcatcher$'", "msg": "ERROR: While executing gem ... (GeGem::Exception)\n Invalid spec cache file in /root/.gem/specs/rubygems.org%443/latest_specs.4.8", "rc": 1, "stderr": "ERROR: While executing gem . (.. (Gem::Exception)\n Invalid spec cache file in /root/.gem/specs/rubygems.org%443/latest_specs.4.8\n", "stderr_lines": ["ERROR: While executing g..em ... (Gem::Exception)", " Invalid spec cache file in /root/.gem/specs/rubygems.org%443/latest_specs.4.8"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} 5 6RUNNING HANDLER [restart apache] *********************************************** 7 8RUNNING HANDLER [restart mysql] ************************************************ 9 to retry, use: --limit @/vagrant/provision/playbook.retry 10 11PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* 12project.dev : ok=38 changed=35 unreachable=0 failed=1 13 14Ansible failed to complete successfully. Any error output should be 15visible above. Please fix these errors and try again.