今、concouse uiのweb uiの部分をカスタマイズしております。
1module Main exposing (main) 2 3import Browser 4import Html exposing (..) 5import Html.Attributes exposing (..) 6import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) 7 8import Debug exposing (log) 9 10main = 11 Browser.sandbox { init = init, update = update, view = view } 12 13--Model 14 15-- Todoのリストの構造 16type alias Todo = 17 { description : String 18 } 19 20-- Todoリストそのもの型 21-- List型っていうこと 22type alias Model = 23 { todos : List Todo 24 , input : Todo 25 } 26 27init : Model 28init = 29 { todos = [] 30 , input = Todo "" 31 } 32 33type Msg = Add | Change String 34 35--Update 36 37update : Msg -> Model -> Model 38update msg model = 39 case msg of 40 Add -> 41 { model | todos = model.input :: model.todos } 42 Change str -> 43 { model | input = Todo str } 44 45-- View 46 47view : Model -> Html Msg 48view model = 49 div [] 50 [ input [ type_ "text", placeholder "What will you do?", onInput Change] [] 51 , button [ onClick Add ] [ text "Add" ] 52 , ul [] (List.map viewLi model.todos) 53 ] 54 55viewLi : Todo -> Html Msg 56viewLi todo = 57 li [] [ text todo.description ] 58
上記の部分を少し改修して、下記の「Group.elm」に入れたら、intellijで「Type mismatch. Required: Html Message Found: Html Msg。」というメッセージが出てしまいました。
1pipelineCardView : 2 { a | userState : UserState, favoritedPipelines : Set Concourse.DatabaseID } 3 -> 4 { b 5 | dragState : DragState 6 , dropState : DropState 7 , now : Maybe Time.Posix 8 , hovered : HoverState.HoverState 9 , pipelineRunningKeyframes : String 10 , pipelinesWithResourceErrors : Set ( String, String ) 11 , pipelineLayers : Dict ( String, String ) (List (List Concourse.JobIdentifier)) 12 , pipelineJobs : Dict ( String, String ) (List Concourse.JobIdentifier) 13 , jobs : Dict ( String, String, String ) Concourse.Job 14 } 15 -> PipelinesSection 16 -> 17 { bounds : PipelineGrid.Bounds 18 , pipeline : Pipeline 19 } 20 -> String 21 -> Html Message 22pipelineCardView session params section { bounds, pipeline } teamName = 23 Html.div 24 ([ class "pipeline-wrapper" 25 , style "position" "absolute" 26 , style "transform" 27 ("translate(" 28 ++ String.fromFloat bounds.x 29 ++ "px," 30 ++ String.fromFloat bounds.y 31 ++ "px)" 32 ) 33 , style 34 "width" 35 (String.fromFloat bounds.width 36 ++ "px" 37 ) 38 , style "height" 39 (String.fromFloat bounds.height 40 ++ "px" 41 ) 42 , onMouseOver <| 43 Hover <| 44 Just <| 45 PipelineWrapper 46 { pipelineName = pipeline.name 47 , teamName = pipeline.teamName 48 } 49 , onMouseOut <| Hover Nothing 50 ] 51 ++ (if params.dragState /= NotDragging then 52 [ style "transition" "transform 0.2s ease-in-out" ] 53 54 else 55 [] 56 ) 57 ++ (let 58 hoverStyle id = 59 if 60 (id.pipelineName == pipeline.name) 61 && (id.teamName == pipeline.teamName) 62 then 63 [ style "z-index" "1" ] 64 65 else 66 [] 67 in 68 case HoverState.hoveredElement params.hovered of 69 Just (JobPreview _ jobID) -> 70 hoverStyle jobID 71 72 Just (PipelineWrapper pipelineID) -> 73 hoverStyle pipelineID 74 75 _ -> 76 [] 77 ) 78 ) 79 [ Html.div 80 ([ class "card" 81 , style "width" "100%" 82 , style "height" "100%" 83 , attribute "data-pipeline-name" pipeline.name 84 ] 85 ++ (if section == AllPipelinesSection && not pipeline.stale then 86 [ attribute 87 "ondragstart" 88 "event.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', '');" 89 , draggable "true" 90 , on "dragstart" 91 (Json.Decode.succeed (DragStart pipeline.teamName pipeline.name)) 92 , on "dragend" (Json.Decode.succeed DragEnd) 93 ] 94 95 else 96 [] 97 ) 98 ++ (if params.dragState == Dragging pipeline.teamName pipeline.name then 99 [ style "width" "0" 100 , style "margin" "0 12.5px" 101 , style "overflow" "hidden" 102 ] 103 104 else 105 [] 106 ) 107 ++ (if params.dropState == DroppingWhileApiRequestInFlight teamName then 108 [ style "opacity" "0.45", style "pointer-events" "none" ] 109 110 else 111 [ style "opacity" "1" ] 112 ) 113 ) 114 [ Pipeline.pipelineView 115 { now = params.now 116 , pipeline = pipeline 117 , resourceError = 118 params.pipelinesWithResourceErrors 119 |> Set.member ( pipeline.teamName, pipeline.name ) 120 , existingJobs = 121 params.pipelineJobs 122 |> Dict.get ( pipeline.teamName, pipeline.name ) 123 |> Maybe.withDefault [] 124 |> List.filterMap (lookupJob params.jobs) 125 , layers = 126 params.pipelineLayers 127 |> Dict.get ( pipeline.teamName, pipeline.name ) 128 |> Maybe.withDefault [] 129 |> List.map (List.filterMap <| lookupJob params.jobs) 130 , hovered = params.hovered 131 , pipelineRunningKeyframes = params.pipelineRunningKeyframes 132 , userState = session.userState 133 , favoritedPipelines = session.favoritedPipelines 134 , section = section 135 } 136 , Html.div 137 (class "tag-list" :: Styles.tagList) 138 [ 139 --ul [] (List.map viewLi model.todos) 140 Html.div 141 [class "tag-list-tag"] 142 [ 143 Html.text "#tag1" 144 ] 145 ] 146 , Html.div 147 (class "tag-list" :: Styles.tagList) 148 [ 149 Html.div 150 (class "tag-input-bord" :: Styles.tagInputBord) 151 [ 152 Html.div 153 [class "tag-input-bord-wrapper"] 154 [ 155 Html.input 156 ([ 157 placeholder "例)tag1" 158 ]) 159 [] 160 ] 161 ], 162 Html.button 163 (class "tag-list-button" :: Styles.tagListButton) 164 [ 165 Html.text "タグを追加" 166 ] 167 ] 168 ] 169 ]
上記の場合だと関数の返却の型が「-> Html Message」になっているのですが、typescriptみたいにanyとかにできないみたいです。