middlemanのlocal serverでwebサイトの見た目がどうなっているかみたい
middleman serverは立ち上げれているのですが、そのURLをopenしても接続が拒否されてしまう。
$ middleman server == The Middleman is loading == View your site at "http://localhost:4567", "" == Inspect your site configuration at "http://localhost:4567/__middleman", "",
#editerがAWS cloud9で
Unable to Preview Application in the AWS Cloud9 IDE with HTTP
Issue: In the address box of an application preview tab in the AWS Cloud9 IDE, the URL always starts with https. If you try to change https in the box to http and then press Enter, the tab doesn't display the application preview.
Cause: To help improve code safety, in the address box of the application preview tab in the IDE, AWS Cloud9 always uses https. This behavior cannot be changed.
Solution: To view an application preview with an address starting with http instead of https, change https in the address box of the tab to http and then press Enter. Then choose the Open your page in a new tab button. This displays the application preview in a separate web browser tab using HTTP.