現在、TypeScript + React + Reduxの構成で開発を行っています。非同期処理にはredux-thunkを使用しています。
TS2322: Type '0' is not assignable to type '{ label: number; sent: () => any; trys: never[]; ops: never[]; }'.
TS2345: Argument of type 'any' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.
import { logout } from './authActions'; import * as H from 'history'; import { Action, Dispatch } from 'redux'; import { ThunkAction } from 'redux-thunk'; import User from '../class/User'; import * as actionTypes from '../utils/actionTypes'; import { setNotification } from './toggleActions'; interface IAuthParam { id: string; pw: string; } // リクエスト関係 export const startRequest = () => ({ type: actionTypes.START_REQUEST, }); export const finishRequest = () => ({ type: actionTypes.FINISH_REQUEST, }); // 認証 export const authUser = () => ({ type: actionTypes.AUTH_USER, }); export const unAuthUser = () => ({ type: actionTypes.UNAUTH_USER, }); // Signup export const signup = ( values: IAuthParam ): ThunkAction<void, any, undefined, Action<string>> => async dispatch => { try { dispatch({ type: actionTypes.START_REQUEST }); await User.signup(values); dispatch({ type: actionTypes.AUTH_USER }); dispatch({ type: actionTypes.CLOSE_LOGIN_DIALOG }); dispatch(setNotification('success', 'サインアップ成功!')); } catch (e) { console.log(e); dispatch(setNotification('error', 'サインアップ失敗!')); } finally { dispatch({ type: actionTypes.FINISH_REQUEST }); } }; // Login export const login = ( values: IAuthParam ): ThunkAction<void, any, undefined, Action<string>> => async dispatch => { try { dispatch({ type: actionTypes.START_REQUEST }); await User.login(values); dispatch({ type: actionTypes.AUTH_USER }); dispatch({ type: actionTypes.CLOSE_LOGIN_DIALOG }); dispatch(setNotification('success', 'ログイン成功!')); } catch (e) { console.log(e); dispatch(setNotification('error', 'ログイン失敗!')); } finally { dispatch({ type: actionTypes.FINISH_REQUEST }); } }; // Logout export const _logout = ( token: string, history: H.History ): ThunkAction<void, any, undefined, Action<string>> => async dispatch => { try { dispatch({ type: actionTypes.START_REQUEST }); await User.logout(token); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } finally { dispatch({ type: actionTypes.UNAUTH_USER }); history.push('/'); dispatch({ type: actionTypes.FINISH_REQUEST }); dispatch(setNotification('success', 'ログアウト成功!')); } }; // ユーザー情報を取得 export const getUser = ( _token: string, history: H.History ): ThunkAction<void, any, undefined, Action<string>> => async dispatch => { try { dispatch({ type: actionTypes.START_REQUEST }); dispatch({ type: actionTypes.AUTH_USER }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); dispatch({ type: actionTypes.UNAUTH_USER }); history.push('/'); } finally { dispatch({ type: actionTypes.FINISH_REQUEST }); dispatch(setNotification('error', 'エラーが発生しました!ログインし直して下さい。')); } }; // ユーザー情報を設置 export const setUser = (id: string) => ({ type: actionTypes.SET_USER, payload: { id: id, }, });
// Signup export const signup = ( values: IAuthParam ): ThunkAction<void, any, undefined, Action<string>> => async dispatch => { try { dispatch(startRequest); await User.signup(values); dispatch(authUser); dispatch(closeLoginDialog); dispatch(setNotification('success', 'サインアップ成功!')); } catch (e) { console.log(e); dispatch(setNotification('error', 'サインアップ失敗!')); } finally { dispatch(finishRequest); } };
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