



Python 3.x

Python 3はPythonプログラミング言語の最新バージョンであり、2008年12月3日にリリースされました。










Python 3.x

Python 3はPythonプログラミング言語の最新バージョンであり、2008年12月3日にリリースされました。



投稿2016/02/10 13:44

環境はMac OSX10.10.5、python3.4.3が使える状況です。


1python3 2Python 3.4.3 (default, Aug 11 2015, 08:57:25) 3[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.53)] on darwin 4Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. 5>>> import cv2 6Traceback (most recent call last): 7 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 8ImportError: No module named 'cv2'



1hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:Pro-tr hiroshi$ brew install numpy --with-python3 2Warning: homebrew/python/numpy-1.9.3 already installed, it's just not linked 3 4hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:Pro-tr hiroshi$ brew link openexr numpy 5Linking /usr/local/Cellar/openexr/2.2.0... 6Error: Could not symlink share/aclocal/openexr.m4 7/usr/local/share/aclocal is not writable. 8 9hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:Pro-tr hiroshi$ sudo chown -R hiroshi /usr/local/share/aclocal 10Password: 11hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:Pro-tr hiroshi$ brew link openexr 12Linking /usr/local/Cellar/openexr/2.2.0... 103 symlinks created 13 14hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:Pro-tr hiroshi$ brew link openexr numpy 15Warning: Already linked: /usr/local/Cellar/openexr/2.2.0 16To relink: brew unlink openexr && brew link openexr 17Linking /usr/local/Cellar/numpy/1.9.3... 18Error: Could not symlink bin/f2py 19Target /usr/local/bin/f2py 20already exists. You may want to remove it: 21 rm '/usr/local/bin/f2py' 22 23To force the link and overwrite all conflicting files: 24 brew link --overwrite numpy 25 26To list all files that would be deleted: 27 brew link --overwrite --dry-run numpy 28hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:Pro-tr hiroshi$ 29 30hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:Pro-tr hiroshi$ rm '/usr/local/bin/f2py' 31hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:Pro-tr hiroshi$ brew link --overwrite numpy 32Linking /usr/local/Cellar/numpy/1.9.3... 392 symlinks created 33hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:Pro-tr hiroshi$ brew link --overwrite --dry-run numpy 34Warning: Already linked: /usr/local/Cellar/numpy/1.9.3 35To relink: brew unlink numpy && brew link numpy 36hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:Pro-tr hiroshi$ brew link numpy 37Warning: Already linked: /usr/local/Cellar/numpy/1.9.3 38To relink: brew unlink numpy && brew link numpy 39 40hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:Pro-tr hiroshi$ brew install opencv3 --with-python3 41==> Installing opencv3 from homebrew/homebrew-science 42==> Installing dependencies for homebrew/science/opencv3: cmake, pkg-config, homebrew/python/numpy 43==> Installing homebrew/science/opencv3 dependency: cmake 44==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/cmake-3.3.1.yosemite.bottle.1.tar.gz 45######################################################################## 100.0% 46==> Pouring cmake-3.3.1.yosemite.bottle.1.tar.gz 47==> Caveats 48Emacs Lisp files have been installed to: 49/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/ 50 51Add the following to your init file to have packages installed by Homebrew added to your load-path: 52(let ((default-directory "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/")) 53 (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path)) 54==> Summary 55???? /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.3.1: 1901 files, 33M 56==> Installing homebrew/science/opencv3 dependency: pkg-config 57==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/pkg-config-0.28.yosemite.bottle.2.tar.gz 58######################################################################## 100.0% 59==> Pouring pkg-config-0.28.yosemite.bottle.2.tar.gz 60???? /usr/local/Cellar/pkg-config/0.28: 10 files, 612K 61==> Installing homebrew/science/opencv3 dependency: homebrew/python/numpy 62==> Using Homebrew-provided fortran compiler. 63This may be changed by setting the FC environment variable. 64==> Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/n/numpy/numpy-1.9.3.tar.gz 65######################################################################## 100.0% 66==> Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/n/nose/nose-1.3.4.tar.gz 67######################################################################## 100.0% 68==> python -c import setuptools... --no-user-cfg install --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/numpy/1.9.3/libexec/nose --sin 69==> python setup.py build --fcompiler=gnu95 install --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/numpy/1.9.3 70==> Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/n/nose/nose-1.3.4.tar.gz 71Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/numpy--nose-1.3.4.tar.gz 72==> python3 -c import setuptools... --no-user-cfg install --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/numpy/1.9.3/libexec/nose --si 73==> python3 setup.py build --fcompiler=gnu95 install --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/numpy/1.9.3 74Error: The `brew link` step did not complete successfully 75The formula built, but is not symlinked into /usr/local 76Could not symlink lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/__config__.py 77Target /usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/__config__.py 78already exists. You may want to remove it: 79 rm '/usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/__config__.py' 80 81To force the link and overwrite all conflicting files: 82 brew link --overwrite numpy 83 84To list all files that would be deleted: 85 brew link --overwrite --dry-run numpy 86 87Possible conflicting files are: 88/usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/__config__.py 89/usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py 90 91#####.pyで終わるファイルがずらっと並んでいるので中略。 92 93/usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/tests/test_ctypeslib.py 94/usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/tests/test_matlib.py 95/usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/version.py 96==> Caveats 97Python modules have been installed and Homebrew's site-packages is not 98in your Python sys.path, so you will not be able to import the modules 99this formula installed. If you plan to develop with these modules, 100please run: 101 mkdir -p /Users/hiroshi/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages 102 echo 'import site; site.addsitedir("/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages")' >> /Users/hiroshi/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages/homebrew.pth 103==> Summary 104???? /usr/local/Cellar/numpy/1.9.3: 1379 files, 28M, built in 3.7 minutes 105==> Installing homebrew/science/opencv3 106==> Using Homebrew-provided fortran compiler. 107This may be changed by setting the FC environment variable. 108==> Downloading https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/archive/3.0.0.tar.gz 109==> Downloading from https://codeload.github.com/Itseez/opencv/tar.gz/3.0.0 110######################################################################## 100.0% 111==> Downloading https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/opencvlibrary/3rdparty/ippicv/ippicv_macosx_20141027.tgz 112==> Downloading from http://netassist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/opencvlibrary/3rdparty/ippicv/ippicv_macosx_20141 113######################################################################## 100.0% 114==> cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE= -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE= -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/Cellar/opencv3/ 115==> make 116==> make install 117==> Caveats 118This formula is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local. 119 120opencv3 and opencv install many of the same files. 121 122Generally there are no consequences of this for you. If you build your 123own software and it requires this formula, you'll need to add to your 124build variables: 125 126 LDFLAGS: -L/usr/local/opt/opencv3/lib 127 CPPFLAGS: -I/usr/local/opt/opencv3/include 128 129If you need Python to find bindings for this keg-only formula, run: 130 echo /usr/local/opt/opencv3/lib/python2.7/site-packages >> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/opencv3.pth 131 mkdir -p /Users/hiroshi/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages 132 echo 'import site; site.addsitedir("/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages")' >> /Users/hiroshi/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages/homebrew.pth 133==> Summary 134???? /usr/local/Cellar/opencv3/3.0.0: 247 files, 104M, built in 17.0 minutes 135hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:Pro-tr hiroshi$










brew update
brew install -v cmake
brew tap homebrew/science


投稿2016/02/10 14:29






2016/02/11 10:32

素早い回答非常に助かります。 早速行ってみたのですが、 hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:~ hiroshi$ brew update error: could not lock config file .git/config: Permission denied Error: Failure while executing: git config core.autocrlf false hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:~ hiroshi$ brew install -v cmake Warning: cmake-3.3.1 already installed Error: Cannot write to /usr/local/Cellar hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:~ hiroshi$ brew tap homebrew/science Warning: Already tapped! hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:~ hiroshi$ となってしまいました。。。エラーっぽい感じがしますが、どうなのでしょうか。。。?

2016/02/13 06:51

brew updateはPermission deniedと書いてあるので sudo brew update してから brew tap homebrew/science してみると何か変わりますか?

2016/02/13 08:26

度々ありがとうございます。 やってみたところ、次のような処理が始まりました。しかし最終的にimport cv2にしてもエラーは変わらず。。。 hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:~ hiroshi$ sudo brew update Password: Updated Homebrew from 099f116c to 33bae41f. ==> New Formulae acmetool dspdfviewer agedu dupseek aide dxpy airspy eg amazon-ecs-cli eiffelstudio amdatu-bootstrap elm ammonite-repl eralchemy ansible-cmdb evince ansiweather fastd apcupsd fcitx-remote-for-osx appledoc file-roller archivemail fluent-bit argon2 fmpp artifactory-cli-go foma arx fprobe asio fstar assh fwup aurora-cli g3log aws-apigateway-importer gasnet azure-cli gcviewer baobab gdb bash-preexec gdm bazel gdub bee geany binkd generate-json-schema brotli geocode-glib bzr-xmloutput gerbv bzrtools gerrit-tools carina gf-complete catimg ghex cdiff gimp cern-ndiff git-credential-manager cfssl git-fresh chaiscript git-secrets choose git-town choose-gui git-when-merged clog gitg codec2 gitlab-ci-multi-runner codemod gjs consul-template gjstest corectl gkrellm corelocationcli glade coturn glslang cppcms glyr cpprestsdk gnome-builder cromwell gnumeric crystal-lang gnuradio cubeb godep datetime-fortran gom dbxml google-benchmark dcadec gor desk gowsdl devd gpa devhelp gprof2dot dfmt gsar diffoscope gspell digitemp gstreamermm dlite gtksourceviewmm dnstwist gtksourceviewmm3 docker-cloud gxml docker-machine-driver-xhyve hfstospell docker-machine-parallels hledger dockviz homebrew/science/atompaw doctl homebrew/science/calculix-ccx dromeaudio homebrew/science/cryptoverif dshb homebrew/science/des homebrew/science/dida macosvpn homebrew/science/ess mailhog homebrew/science/geda-gaf mariadb-connector-c homebrew/science/ggobi mat homebrew/science/glpk448 mdds homebrew/science/gmtk mediaconch homebrew/science/hisat2 metabase homebrew/science/humann2 mg3a homebrew/science/mash miller homebrew/science/metaphlan moz-git-tools homebrew/science/miniasm mp3unicode homebrew/science/minimap mpv homebrew/science/msieve mstch homebrew/science/nccmp mvtools homebrew/science/nixio mydumper homebrew/science/oswitch ne homebrew/science/paxtools nethogs homebrew/science/pcb nifi homebrew/science/pilercr node-build homebrew/science/pilon nodeenv homebrew/science/plasma nomad homebrew/science/prooftree noti homebrew/science/shark nq homebrew/science/sortmerna nuxeo homebrew/science/spici nyancat homebrew/science/vsearch ocproxy homebrew/science/xcdf ompl htop onioncat hyperscan open-jtalk ibex openshift-cli icmake otto infer pam-u2f iproute2mac path-extractor jerasure pgroonga joshua pldebugger jsonnet ploticus jsonschema2pojo pod2man jump pond kapacitor postgrest lcm powerline ldid prefixsuffix libagar procmail libbladerf psql2csv libchamplain puddletag liberasurecode python-markdown libfabric pyvim libfixposix qbzr libgdata qjackctl libgig qpm libgraphqlparser qriollo libgweather rack libical-glib rancher-compose libilbc ratfor libmill rgxg libmwaw rswift libnotify rubberband libphonenumber sagittarius-scheme libproxy saldl librest schismtracker libsoundio scour libspectre sdedit libstatgrab serf libu2f-host shairport libu2f-server shairport-sync libuecc shc libxml++3 shibboleth-sp shml unibilium sickrage unicorn sift utf8proc slackcat vamp-plugin-sdk slugify vapoursynth snag vdirsyncer spaceman-diff viennacl spandsp viewvc speedread vmtouch sphinx-doc vultr sqliteodbc walkmod ssllabs-scan watson sslscan webkitgtk suil weboob swagger-codegen websocketd swift whatmp3 swiftgen wiki sylpheed wires systemc woof tailor xalan-c takt xcv tarantool xdot taylor xmake tccutil xxhash tcpkali yank tcpstat ykneomgr tcpurify z3 testssl zanata-client textql zenity tgui zero-install titlecase zimg truncate zita-convolver twoping zmqpp txr zzz uhd →続く

2016/02/13 08:29

続き ==> Updated Formulae abcde beecrypt abcl betty ace bfg aces_container bib-tool ack bibclean acpica bigdata activemq bigloo afl-fuzz bind agda binwalk aircrack-ng bitlbee akka bitrise algernon blink1 algol68g boost android-ndk boost-bcp android-platform-tools boost-python android-sdk boot-clj anjuta boot2docker ansible botan ant-contrib brag antigen brew-gem antlr brew-pip apache-archiva briss apache-drill bro apache-opennlp browser apache-spark bulk_extractor apktool burl apparix burp appscale-tools byobu apt-cacher-ng caddy arangodb cadubi archey caf argyll-cms cairo aria2 cairomm arm cake arping calabash artifactory camlistore asn1c camlp4 at-spi2-atk carthage at-spi2-core cask atk cassandra atkmm cayley ats2-postiats ccache auto-scaling ccat autoconf-archive ccextractor autoenv cd-discid autojump cdrtools automysqlbackup ceylon autopsy cfengine avrdude cfr-decompiler avro-tools cgal aws-cfn-tools cgrep aws-cloudsearch chapel aws-elasticache charm-tools aws-elasticbeanstalk chcase aws-sns-cli cheat awscli check babl checkbashisms bagit checkstyle bar chisel baresip chromaprint basex chromedriver bash chruby-fish bash-git-prompt cjdns batik clamav bazaar clang-format bear clearlooks-phenix cless dialog clhep diff-pdf clib distribution clipper ditaa cloc djview4 clojurescript djvu2pdf →続く

2016/02/13 08:39

続き cloog dmd closure-compiler dnscrypt-proxy cloud-watch dnscrypt-wrapper cloudbees-sdk docbook-xsl clozure-cl docker clutter docker-machine clutter-gst docker-swarm clutter-gtk dockutil cmake doitlive coccinelle dos2unix coda-cli doubledown cogl dovecot colordiff doxygen colormake dpkg colorsvn dropbear commonmark dub concurrencykit duck confuse duo_unix consul duplicity cookiecutter duply coq dwdiff coreutils dyld-headers couchdb dynamodb-local couchpotatoserver e2fsprogs cpanminus easy-git cpp-netlib ebook-tools cppcheck ec2-ami-tools cppformat ec2-api-tools crash ecj crosstool-ng ecl cryptol efl cryptopp eigen crystax-ndk eina css-crush ejdb cssembed ekg2 csshx elasticsearch curl elb-tools cvc4 elixir cvs embulk czmq emscripten d-bus enca darcs entr darkhttpd epic5 datomic epubcheck davix erlang davmail etcd dbus-glib exenv dcd exercism dcmtk exiftool dcraw eye-d3 ddclient ezlupdate ddrescue f3 deis fabric deisctl fantom deja-gnu fasd denominator fb-client dependency-check ffe devil ffind dex2jar ffmbc dfix ffmpeg ffms2 ghc fibjs ghi finatra ghostscript findbugs ghq findutils gibo fio gif2png flac123 gifify flatbuffers gimme fleet-db ginac fleetctl gist flex git flow git-annex flowgrind git-archive-all flyway git-cola fmdiff git-extras fobis git-fixup folly git-flow-avh fon-flash-cli git-ftp fontconfig git-gerrit fontforge git-lfs fonttools git-octopus ford git-open fossil git-plus fpc git-ssh fpp git-subrepo fq git-test freediameter git-tf freeipmi gitbucket freeling giter8 freeradius-server github-release freeswitch gl2ps freetds glassfish freetype glbinding frege glew fswatch glib funcoeszz glib-networking fuseki glibmm fwknop glide fzf glm gaffitter global galen globus-toolkit gambit-scheme gloox gammaray gmail-backup gammu gmp ganglia gnatsd gauge gnome-common gcal gnome-icon-theme gcc gnome-themes-standard gcovr gnu-cobol gcutil gnu-smalltalk gd gnupg gdal gnupg2 gdk-pixbuf gnuplot gdl gnustep-make gdnsd gnutls gedit go gegl goaccess geogit gobject-introspection geographiclib goffice geoip gollum geoipupdate golo geos google-sparsehash geoserver google-sql-tool get-flash-videos gosu getdns gource gettext gpg-agent gpgme homebrew/python/matplotlib gphoto2 homebrew/python/numpy gpsbabel homebrew/python/pillow gpsd homebrew/python/retext gradle homebrew/python/scipy grails homebrew/science/a5 graphene homebrew/science/abinit graphicsmagick homebrew/science/abyss-explorer graphite2 homebrew/science/adam grc homebrew/science/adol-c grib-api homebrew/science/alpscore griffon homebrew/science/armadillo gringo homebrew/science/arrayfire groonga homebrew/science/astrometry-net groovy homebrew/science/augustus groovysdk homebrew/science/bcalm growly homebrew/science/bedops gsettings-desktop-schemas homebrew/science/bioawk gsoap homebrew/science/bioformats-cpp gssdp homebrew/science/bitseq gst-libav homebrew/science/blat gst-plugins-bad homebrew/science/butterflow gst-plugins-base homebrew/science/cantera gst-plugins-good homebrew/science/cd-hit gst-plugins-ugly homebrew/science/cdo gst-python homebrew/science/ceres-solver gst-validate homebrew/science/cgns gstreamer homebrew/science/clfft gtk+ homebrew/science/cmdstan gtk+3 homebrew/science/cytoscape gtk-gnutella homebrew/science/datamash gtkextra homebrew/science/dealii gtkmm homebrew/science/dgtal gtkmm3 homebrew/science/dsk gtksourceview3 homebrew/science/edirect gucharmap homebrew/science/fastml gumbo-parser homebrew/science/field3d gupnp homebrew/science/flint gupnp-tools homebrew/science/fwdpp gwenhywfar homebrew/science/gap gws homebrew/science/gdcm gwt homebrew/science/geant gwyddion homebrew/science/getdp h2 homebrew/science/glpk h2o homebrew/science/gmsh hadoop homebrew/science/gmt haproxy homebrew/science/gmt4 harfbuzz homebrew/science/gnudatalanguage haskell-stack homebrew/science/graph-tool haxe homebrew/science/gromacs hbase homebrew/science/gubbins headphones homebrew/science/h5utils hebcal homebrew/science/harry help2man homebrew/science/hdf5 hercules homebrew/science/healpix heroku-toolbelt homebrew/science/htsbox hevea homebrew/science/htslib hexcurse homebrew/science/hwloc hg-flow homebrew/science/hypre hh homebrew/science/igraph highlight homebrew/science/insighttoolkit highlighting-kate homebrew/science/jellyfish hiredis homebrew/science/kallisto hive homebrew/science/kent-tools hoedown homebrew/science/kmc homebank homebrew/science/libfolia homebrew/science/libmatio homebrew/science/ucto homebrew/science/libsigrokdecode homebrew/science/vcflib homebrew/science/littler homebrew/science/veclibfort homebrew/science/maxima homebrew/science/vips homebrew/science/megahit homebrew/science/vislcg3 homebrew/science/meme homebrew/science/visp homebrew/science/methpipe homebrew/science/vtk5 homebrew/science/metis4 homebrew/science/wcslib homebrew/science/minced homebrew/science/wcstools homebrew/science/mlpack homebrew/science/wxmaxima homebrew/science/mlst homebrew/science/xmi-msim homebrew/science/mtl homebrew/science/yaggo homebrew/science/nanopolish homebrew/science/yeppp homebrew/science/netcdf hornetq homebrew/science/nextflow hostdb homebrew/science/nip2 hr homebrew/science/octave html-xml-utils homebrew/science/openalpr htmlcleaner homebrew/science/openblas htmlcompressor homebrew/science/opencascade htmldoc homebrew/science/opencv htop-osx homebrew/science/opencv3 http-parser homebrew/science/opengrm-thrax httpie homebrew/science/openimageio hub homebrew/science/p4est hugo homebrew/science/parmetis hydra homebrew/science/pastix hyperspec homebrew/science/pathvisio icarus-verilog homebrew/science/petsc icbirc homebrew/science/phyml ice homebrew/science/piler icu4c homebrew/science/poretools id3lib homebrew/science/prokka ideviceinstaller homebrew/science/proverif idnits homebrew/science/pymol idris homebrew/science/qr_mumps ievms homebrew/science/qrupdate imagemagick homebrew/science/quast imageworsener homebrew/science/r imapfilter homebrew/science/radx imessage-ruby homebrew/science/readseq imgur-screenshot homebrew/science/root influxdb homebrew/science/root6 innoextract homebrew/science/rstudio-server innotop homebrew/science/sailfish internetarchive homebrew/science/samtools io homebrew/science/scalapack ioke homebrew/science/seqdb ios-class-guard homebrew/science/simpleitk ios-webkit-debug-proxy homebrew/science/skewer ip_relay homebrew/science/slepc ipcalc homebrew/science/snp_sites ipfs homebrew/science/snpeff iphotoexport homebrew/science/spades ipinfo homebrew/science/sratoolkit ircd-hybrid homebrew/science/statismo ircii homebrew/science/suite-sparse isc-dhcp homebrew/science/sumo isl homebrew/science/sundials iso-codes homebrew/science/superlu ispc homebrew/science/superlu43 isync homebrew/science/superlu_dist itstool homebrew/science/tbl2asn ivy homebrew/science/ticcutils jags homebrew/science/timbl jailkit homebrew/science/trilinos jasmin jbake libcouchbase jboss-as libcroco jboss-forge libdvbpsi jemalloc libdvdcss jena libdvdread jenkins libebml jenkins-job-builder libelf jenv libestr jetty libetonyek jetty-runner libev jhiccup libfreehand jing libftdi jmxtrans libgcrypt jooby-bootstrap libgee jpeg-turbo libgetdata jpegrescan libgit2 jruby libgit2-glib js-test-driver libglademm jsawk libgnomecanvasmm jsdoc-toolkit libgpg-error jsdoc3 libgphoto2 jslint4java libgsf json-fortran libgtop jsonpp libgxps juju libhttpserver juju-quickstart libinfinity jvgrep libiomp jvmtop libiscsi kafka libjson-rpc-cpp kafkacat liblinear kawa libltc keepassc liblwgeom kestrel libmagic kettle libmatroska keybase libmaxminddb keychain libmetalink khal libmicrohttpd khard libmongoclient kibana libmspub kitchen-sync libmtp knot libnfc kubernetes-cli libodfgen kvazaar libpeas languagetool libpng lastpass-cli libpst latex2html libraw launch4j libre launchdns librem lcov libressl ldc librevenge leafnode librsvg ledger librsync legit libsass leiningen libsecret lensfun libsigc++ lfe libsndfile lftp libsodium lhasa libsoup libass libspatialite libassuan libssh libav libstrophe libbluray libsvm libbpg libswiften libbtbb libtasn1 libcdr libtermkey libcello libtiff libtins mesos libtorrent metaproxy libtorrent-rasterbar metashell libunwind-headers mg libusb midnight-commander libuv mighttpd2 libvirt minbif libvisio minidlna libvoikko minimodem libvpx minisign libwbxml miniupnpc libwebsockets mitmproxy libwpg mksh libwps mktorrent libxml++ mkvtoolnix libxml2 mm-common libxmlsec1 mockserver libxmp moco libxmp-lite modgit libzdb modman libzip monetdb lighttpd mongodb lilv mongrel2 link-grammar monit linklint mono links mosquitto liquibase mozilla-addon-sdk liquidprompt mpd lldpd mplayer lnav mr log4cplus mruby logentries msgpack logstalgia msitools logstash msmtp logtalk mspdebug lorem mu loudmouth multimarkdown lrdf multirust lsh multitail lua muparser lua51 mupdf-tools luajit mussh luciddb mutt luvit mvnvm luyten mycli lzip mypy mackup mysql macvim mysql-cluster mahout mysql-connector-c++ mailutils mysql-sandbox makensis mysql-search-replace makeself mysqltuner mal4s mytop mapnik n mariadb nanomsg matlab2tikz nanopb-generator maven narwhal maven-shell nasm mcabber natalie mdp naturaldocs →続く

2016/02/13 08:44

続き mdxmini nave media-info ncdc megacmd ncmpcpp megatools negfix8 memcache-top neo4j mercurial nesc nettle pdal newlisp pdf2htmlex nexus pdfgrep nghttp2 pdns nginx peco ngircd pegtl ngrok percona-server nicovideo-dl percona-toolkit nikto perl nmap perl-build node pev nodebrew pgbadger nodenv pgbouncer nordugrid-arc pgcli notmuch pgformatter nsd pgloader nspr pgpool-ii nsq pgrouting nss pgtune ntl phantomjs ntopng pianobar nvm pianod nzbget pidcat oath-toolkit pidgin oauth2_proxy pig objc-run pike ode pincaster ola pinentry ooniprobe pius open-mpi pixman open-scene-graph pixz openal-soft pkcs11-helper openconnect pkg-config openh264 pkgdiff openrtsp planck openssl plantuml openvdb platypus openvpn plenv openwsman plowshare opus pmdmini opusfile pngcrush orc pngquant orientdb poco osh podofo osm2pgsql points2grid osmosis polyml osquery ponyc osxfuse ponysay osxutils poppler p7zip postgis packer postgres-xc pam_yubico postgresql pandoc postmark pandoc-citeproc potrace pango pow pangomm ppss parallel pre-commit passenger predictionio passpie prettyping pastebinit primesieve pax-construct privoxy pax-runner probatron4j pazpar2 procyon-decompiler pcap_dnsproxy profanity pcre proftpd pcsc-lite proguard proj repl protobuf-swift repo proxytunnel reposurgeon psgrep rest-shell psqlodbc resty pugixml rethinkdb pulledpork rexster pulseaudio rfcstrip pure-ftpd rgbds purescript rhino pushpin riak putmail riemann putmail-queue ringojs putty rmate py3cairo rocksdb pyenv rolldice pyenv-pip-migrate rrdtool pyenv-virtualenv rsense pygobject3 rsnapshot pypy rtags pyqt rtmpdump pyqt5 rtorrent pyside ruby python ruby-build python3 ruby-install q runcocoa qbs rust qemu s3cmd qpdf s3sync qt safe-rm qt5 saltstack quantlib sassc quassel savana rabbitmq saxon rabbitmq-c saxon-b racket sbcl radare2 sbtenv rakudo-star sbuild ranger scalaenv rbenv scalariform rbenv-aliases scalastyle rbenv-binstubs scamper rbenv-bundle-exec scons rbenv-bundler scrollkeeper rbenv-bundler-ruby-version scw rbenv-communal-gems sdcc rbenv-ctags sdhash rbenv-default-gems sdl2 rbenv-gemset sdl2_gfx rbenv-readline sdl2_image rbenv-use sdl2_mixer rbenv-vars sdl2_net rbenv-whatis sdl2_ttf rcssserver sec rdfind selecta rdiff-backup selenium-server-standalone rds-command-line-tools sendemail rdup serd re2 serveit re2c sfcgal rebar sfml redis shadowsocks-libev redpen shared-mime-info redshift shellcheck remind shellinabox reop shpotify shunit2 sync_gateway siege syncthing signing-party syncthing-inotify simple-tiles synfig sip synfigstudio sisc-scheme syntaxerl sjk sysbench skinny sysdig skipfish szl sleuthkit tachyon slimerjs taglib smali task smartypants taskd snap7 tbb sngrep tcpflow snort tee-clc snownews telegraf socat term sofia-sip termshare softhsm terraform solr texi2html sonar texmath sonar-runner the_platinum_searcher sord the_silver_searcher sound-touch thefuck source-highlight theharvester sourcekitten thrift spark tidy-html5 spatialite-gui tika speedtest_cli timedog sphinx tinc spin tippecanoe spoof-mac titan-server spring-loaded tkdiff spring-roo tlsdate sqlcipher tmux sqlite tmux-cssh sqlitebrowser tn5250 sqlmap todo-txt sqoop tomcat squid tomcat-native src tomee-jax-rs srclib tomee-plume ssdb tomee-plus ssh-copy-id tomee-webprofile sshrc tor sshuttle trace2html sslmate trafficserver sslyze trang sstp-client transcrypt stanford-parser treeline stash-cli ttfautohint stoken tutum storm twemcache stormssh txt2tags stow typesafe-activator strongswan uberftp stunnel uchardet stuntman ucommon sub2srt ucspi-tools subliminal udunits subversion unar svtplay-dl unbound swaks unp swiftlint unrar swig unshield uru wxmac userspace-rcu x264 uwsgi x265 v xapian v8 xaric vala xctool valabind xdelta valgrind xlslib varnish xmlformat vassh xmlrpc-c vault xmlsh vault-cli xmlto vcsh xonsh vegeta xplanetfx vert.x xqilla vf xtitle vifm xz vim yaml-cpp virtualhost.sh yap virtuoso yaz vnu yelp-tools volatility yelp-xsl voltdb ykclient →続く

2016/02/13 08:46

続き voms ykpers vowpal-wabbit yle-dl vpnc youtube-dl vramsteg yubico-piv-tool vte3 yuicompressor watchman z wavpack zabbix webkit2png zbackup webp zebra weechat zeromq wellington zinc wget zmap wgetpaste znc when zookeeper whirr zopfli whohas zorba wifi-password zsh wildfly-as zsh-completions wimlib zsh-history-substring-search wine zsh-lovers winetricks zsh-syntax-highlighting wireshark zurl wrk-trello zzuf wtf ==> Renamed Formulae app-engine-java-sdk -> app-engine-java crystal -> autocode cv -> progress cyassl -> wolfssl fig -> docker-compose go-app-engine-32 -> app-engine-go-32 go-app-engine-64 -> app-engine-go-64 google-app-engine -> app-engine-python google-perftools -> gperftools hamsterdb -> upscaledb homebrew/science/gal-sim -> homebrew/science/galsim kotlin-compiler -> kotlin mpich2 -> mpich nimrod -> nim offline-imap -> offlineimap polarssl -> mbedtls →続く

2016/02/13 08:46

続き ==> Deleted Formulae cppdom magit ffts mysql-connector-odbc fsharp mysql-proxy gant net6 gdrive p11-kit git-encrypt paq8px gptfdisk par2tbb groonga-normalizer-mysql pdf-tools homebrew/science/cgap perlmagick homebrew/science/consed rbenv-gem-rehash homebrew/science/htqc rubber homebrew/science/musket sedna homebrew/science/pagan telepathy-gabble homebrew/science/platanus telepathy-glib homebrew/science/sparseassembler telepathy-idle homebrew/science/vips7 telepathy-mission-control homebrew/science/z3 uim honeyd whereami iojs why3 ipe wps2odt kbtin →続く

2016/02/13 08:47

hiroshi-no-MacBook-Air:~ hiroshi$ brew tap homebrew/science Warning: Tap homebrew/science already tapped.

2016/02/14 05:53 編集

だとしたら,パスが通っていないのかもしれませんね. 私の環境では上手くいくので ルートに cd ~/ cat .bashrc としてみてopencv などがなかったら以下のように .bashrcの最後に以下を追加してみてください export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/include/opencv/* export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/include/opencv2/* パスは環境によって変わるので気おつけてください

2016/02/15 14:04

色々ありがとうございます。 なんとかできそうな気がしますのであとは自分でやってみます!



















