ERROR [Vue warn]: Property or method "errors" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the property. See: https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html#Declaring-Reactive-Properties. found in ---> <App/pages/signup.vue> at app/pages/signup.vue <Nuxt> <App/layouts/default.vue> at app/layouts/default.vue <Root> ERROR [Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'has' of undefined" found in ---> <App/pages/signup.vue> at app/pages/signup.vue <Nuxt> <App/layouts/default.vue> at app/layouts/default.vue <Root>
1<template> 2 <div> 3 <section class="section no-top-pad"> 4 <h5 class="title is-5"> 5 サインアップ 6 </h5> 7 <hr> 8 9 <div class="columns is-centered is-mobile"> 10 <div class="column is-half-desktop is-full-mobile is-full-tablet"> 11 <form @submit.prevent="onSignUp"> 12 <div class="field"> 13 <label class="label">Name</label> 14 <div class="control"> 15 <input 16 v-model="displayName" 17 v-validate="'required|min:4'" 18 class="input" 19 type="text" 20 name="displayName" 21 :class="{ 'is-danger': errors.has('displayName') }" 22 > 23 <p 24 v-show="errors.has('displayName')" 25 class="help is-danger" 26 > 27 {{ errors.first('displayName') }} 28 </p> 29 </div> 30 </div> 31 <div class="field"> 32 <label class="label">Email</label> 33 <div class="control"> 34 <input 35 v-model="email" 36 v-validate="'required|email'" 37 class="input" 38 type="email" 39 name="email" 40 :class="{ 'is-danger': errors.has('email') }" 41 > 42 <p v-show="errors.has('email')" class="help is-danger"> 43 {{ errors.first('email') }} 44 </p> 45 </div> 46 </div> 47 <div class="field"> 48 <label class="label">Password</label> 49 <div class="control"> 50 <input 51 v-model="password" 52 v-validate="'required|min:6'" 53 class="input" 54 type="password" 55 name="password" 56 :class="{ 'is-danger': errors.has('password') }" 57 > 58 <p 59 v-show="errors.has('password')" 60 class="help is-danger" 61 > 62 {{ errors.first('password') }} 63 </p> 64 </div> 65 </div> 66 67 <div class="field"> 68 <div class="control"> 69 <button 70 class="button is-primary" 71 :class="{ 'is-loading': busy }" 72 :disabled="busy" 73 > 74 Signup 75 </button> 76 </div> 77 </div> 78 </form> 79 </div> 80 </div> 81 </section> 82 </div> 83</template> 84 85<script> 86import apiJobMixin from '@/mixins/apiJobMixin' 87 88export default { 89 mixins: [apiJobMixin], 90 data () { 91 return { 92 displayName: '', 93 email: '', 94 password: '' 95 } 96 }, 97 methods: { 98 onSignUp () { 99 // vee-validateによるバリデーションチェック 100 this.$validator.validateAll().then((result) => { 101 if (result) { 102 const signUpData = { 103 displayName: this.displayName, 104 email: this.email, 105 password: this.password 106 } 107 // storeで定義したsignUpUserアクションにdispatch 108 this.$store.dispatch('signUpUser', signUpData) 109 } 110 }) 111 }, 112 jobsDone () { 113 // apiJobMixinで叩かれる 114 this.removeErrors() 115 // アカウント登録が完了したのでルートパスにリダイレクトします。 116 this.$router.replace('/') 117 } 118 } 119} 120</script> 121
1import HardSourceWebpackPlugin from 'hard-source-webpack-plugin' 2 3export default { 4 mode: 'universal', 5 srcDir: 'app', 6 /* 7 ** Headers of the page 8 */ 9 head: { 10 title: process.env.npm_package_name || '', 11 meta: [ 12 { charset: 'utf-8' }, 13 { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' }, 14 { hid: 'description', name: 'description', content: process.env.npm_package_description || '' } 15 ], 16 link: [ 17 { rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon', href: '/favicon.ico' } 18 ] 19 }, 20 /* 21 ** Customize the progress-bar color 22 */ 23 loading: { color: '#fff' }, 24 /* 25 ** Global CSS 26 */ 27 css: [ 28 ], 29 /* 30 ** Plugins to load before mounting the App 31 */ 32 plugins: [ 33 { src: '@/plugins/vee-validate', ssr: false }, '@/plugins/firebase' 34 ], 35 /* 36 ** Nuxt.js dev-modules 37 */ 38 buildModules: [ 39 // Doc: https://github.com/nuxt-community/eslint-module 40 '@nuxtjs/eslint-module' 41 ], 42 /* 43 ** Nuxt.js modules 44 */ 45 modules: [ 46 // Doc: https://github.com/nuxt-community/modules/tree/master/packages/bulma 47 '@nuxtjs/bulma', 48 // Doc: https://axios.nuxtjs.org/usage 49 '@nuxtjs/axios' 50 ], 51 /* 52 ** Axios module configuration 53 ** See https://axios.nuxtjs.org/options 54 */ 55 axios: { 56 }, 57 /* 58 ** Build configuration 59 */ 60 build: { 61 postcss: { 62 preset: { 63 features: { 64 customProperties: false 65 } 66 } 67 }, 68 /* 69 ** You can extend webpack config here 70 */ 71 extend (config, ctx) { 72 config.plugins.push(new HardSourceWebpackPlugin()) 73 } 74 } 75} 76
1import Vue from 'vue' 2import VeeValidate, { Validator } from 'vee-validate' 3import ja from 'vee-validate/dist/locale/ja' 4 5Validator.localize('ja', ja) 6Vue.use(VeeValidate, { locale: 'ja' }) 7
こちら を参考に、plugins/vee-validate.js, nuxt.config.js の plugins ファイル内の内容、また、vee-validate のバージョンをアップさせました。
1{ 2 "name": "qaSample", 3 "version": "1.0.0", 4 "description": "My brilliant Nuxt.js project", 5 "author": "", 6 "private": true, 7 "scripts": { 8 "dev": "nuxt", 9 "build": "nuxt build", 10 "start": "nuxt start", 11 "generate": "nuxt generate", 12 "lint": "eslint --ext .js,.vue --ignore-path .gitignore .", 13 "dev-debug": "node --inspect-brk=9229 node_modules/nuxt/bin/nuxt" 14 }, 15 "dependencies": { 16 "@firebase/auth": "^0.12.4", 17 "@firebase/firestore": "^1.7.0", 18 "@nuxtjs/axios": "^5.3.6", 19 "@nuxtjs/bulma": "^1.2.1", 20 "firebase": "^7.3.0", 21 "nuxt": "^2.0.0", 22 "vee-validate": "^3.0.11" 23 }, 24 "devDependencies": { 25 "@nuxtjs/eslint-config": "^1.0.1", 26 "@nuxtjs/eslint-module": "^1.0.0", 27 "babel-eslint": "^10.0.1", 28 "eslint": "^6.1.0", 29 "eslint-plugin-nuxt": ">=0.4.2", 30 "hard-source-webpack-plugin": "^0.13.1" 31 } 32} 33
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